Therapeutic Massage




Massage Therapy is an alternative health care option that involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body. It helps to eliminate pain, discomfort and stress, and to promote health and wellness.

The therapist applies manual techniques that include movement and pressure to the soft tissues of the body with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the patient.




What can Massage Therapy do for me?

In general, massage therapy improves the function of the circulatory, skeletal, nervous, lymphatic, and muscular systems, and may improve the rate at which the body recovers from injury and illness.

Massage Therapy is a holistic therapy and has an effect on both your body and mind. It is not only useful post injury or for stress but is an essential component in prevention.

Massage Therapy can provide relief from, or eliminate back pain, neck & shoulder pain. It is also helpful in the treatment of whiplash, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, arthritis, sciatica, tendonitis, stress, frozen shoulder, arthritis, headaches & migraines, digestive concerns, ears nose and throat problems, TMJ, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, anxiety, depression and pregnancy.


Did you know....?

That if your massage therapist is a registered
Telus Healthcare Provider they can direct bill to:

Great West Life
Manulife Financial
Johnson Inc.
Industrial Alliance
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance 
Desjardins Insurance
Johnston Group or Maximum Benefit
Standard Life
Green Shield
Sunlife Financial

We can also direct bill to:

Blue Cross

Veteran's Affairs
Green Shield


As a registered Osteopathic Manual Practitioner I can bill to:

Blue Cross

Veteran's Affairs
Green Shield